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247 - Champions In Our Own Ways - Resources

+Georgia's two quit lit recommendations are "This Naked Mind" and "Mrs. D IS Going Without".

Karen covered the amazing survival story of Mary Vincent (originally aired on May 27, 2016, episode 18).
+You can rent Mary Vincent's "I Survived" episode here (it's season 1, episode 20).
+Here's the Wikipedia page on Lawrence Singleton.

Georgia covered Typhoid Mary (originally aired January 25, 2018, episode 105).
+Watch the "Drunk History" episode on Typhoid Mary here.
+Here's the Wikipedia article on Typhoid Mary.
+Georgia mentioned the show Alias Grace. Watch on Netflix here.
+Here's the Wikipedia article on badass Josephine Baker, who tracked down Typhoid Mary twice.
+Click here to see pictures of the island that Typhoid Mary was isolated to.