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126 - Nice Office - Resources

+The ladies got updates from Kirsten about the dogs in the "I Survived" episode that Karen covered in the previous episode. Both dogs pulled an "I Survived" as well. You can watch that episode and celebrate the dogs here (it's season 1 episode 17).
+Michelle Fowler wrote in about helping solve her aunt's missing case. Click here to read about that story.

Georgia covered the case of Lawrence DeLisle.
+Georgia watched this on "The Confessions Tapes". Watch the episode "Down River" on Netflix here.

Karen covered the murder of Kim Wall.
+Here's the Wikipedia article on the murder of Kim Wall.
+Consider donating to this fundraiser for the International Women's Media Foundation in remembrance of Kim Wall.

+Karen's positive of the week is Anthony Bourdain's show "Explore Parts Unknown". Watch it here.
+Georgia's positive of the week was getting drunk with Marty and watching Alice, Sweet Alice. You can watch it on Amazon Prime here.


  1. I love the effort that you are putting into this page. With Covid giving me all this quiet time at home, I'm working through the back catalog of MFM. Thank you for all these resources! :D

  2. ^ Agreed! Thank you for catching everything they are saying and presenting it easily :)
