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MFM Minisode 55 - Resources

+Karen and Georgia talked about how Meryl Streep is gong to be in the second season of "Big Little Lies". Watch the first season here.
+Karen's show "Baskets" is out. Watch on FX here.

Hometown #1 - "My Mom Survived Cleveland in 1978" - Lauren
+No links.

Hometown #2 - "I Survived Because I Had To Pee" - Nicole
+No links.

Hometown #3 - "Making My Mugger Cry" - Laura
+No links.

Hometown #4 - "My Father - A Killer Serving 3 Life Sentences" - Jessica
+I believe this article covers the triple homicide mentioned that happened in West Virginia.
+Here's the link to an article about his confession after he was in prison of another murder in Ohio.
+Jessica mentioned how Ohio has some great recent stories including Ariel Castro & the kidnapped girls as well as the Cleveland Strangler

+Georgia and Karen talked about the recent interview with the BTK killer's daughter. It's really well written. Read that here.
+The series where the Happy Face Killer's daughter talks to other children of murderers was on 20/20. Watch part one here.